
Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Robot Dentist

Okay, so a quick recap of a local band I love. A SOUP NAMED STEW. I was there to see their first show. I cheered them to victory at the LSU Battle of the Bands last autumn. I know all the band members. I am a fan. Why am I a fan?

Well, as one spectator put it, the music makes you laugh so much, your mouth hurts. Lead vocalist David Loti professes that they have spawned a new genre, "Humorcore." He is right. It is pop punk that does everything from poke fun at "emo" music to singing the praises of penguins. They've achieved huge success in the local Baton Rouge music scene and will be soon releasing their first album, "Yes, No, Maybe."

I usually don't endorse that Silliness christened "Myspace", but you must visit ASNS's "myspace" and listen to a few of the tracks from the forthcoming album: "You've Got To Work With What You've Got," "She Broke Up With Me," "The Monkey Song,"...

...and if nothing else, please, PLEASE, I beg you, do your self a favor and listen to "Robot Dentist." It is one of the most fun songs I've ever heard. Just wait till mid-song, when....oh, well you'll have to listen to find out.

ASNS Music.

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