
Tuesday, August 09, 2005

New Music Tuesday

One is sorta new, the other one is new to me.

1. Switchfoot's new single, "Stars." Folks, this is rock n' roll defined. C'mon. You know you want to headbang. Even this nun, does. Click on the nun at right to hear the new 4:20 monster melody-rampage.

2. For those of you who'd rather "roll" than "rock" with some jazzy tunes......A video game soundtrack?! Yes. Anybody remember SimCity? I used to play it all the time. Haven't in years. My little bro and sis pulled out the game, I heard the music; on a whim, I searched to see if there was a soundtrack. There is. Downloadable for free. It's got great CD quality jazz, electronica, etc. Really, it's quality stuff. Instant favorite. Click on the nun at left.

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