
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Josh's Collection of Rare and Amazing Internet Videos

Farting The Matrix - Mainly for the immature. I laughed uncontrollably. Warning: A little cursing, as in the actual movie.

Bus Bump - Watch the kid in the backseat of the bus carefully.

Treadmill Fall - And it wasn’t even the blonde girl to take the tumble!

Bush and Blair Duet - Recommending this makes me seem anti-Bush when I’m not. But it’s just too funny.

Fainting Spelling Bee Kid - Kid faints and then gets up and spells word correctly!

Time Attack Mario - One of my all-time favorites. Kid beats Super Mario Bros. 3 in 11 minutes. (But mwuhaha, I can beat it in 15 min.)

Super Mario on Piano - Gifted pianist plays Mario tunes like it’s nobody’s business.

Ouch! - Random guys in a dorm room end up getting a friend with a pair of scissors in his arm. Warning: Brief strong profanity (associated with having scissors stuck in one's arm).

Bush Gives the Victory Sign - Disturbing if this is for real. Rated PG for well, “the Finger.”

Human Beatbox - Vocalist’s voice sounds like actual deejay beats.

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