
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Leave Me Alone

Friends, you are the fatal wound. Listen. I have 4 friggin' tests and one quiz this week in a 3 day time period. Everywhere I go, friends, you talk to me, invite the social element in me to talk to you day and night. To laugh with you. To procrastinate with you. Well, no more! No more, "hey Bean you can study later. Let's go to Cane's. Let's play video games. Let's stay up all night. Let's talk about Lord of the Rings at the cafe. Let's listen to Switchfoot. Let's start a revolution and burn down the dorm." No more. Okay, okay, I"ll admit I wanted to do all these things, but I must now emphatically study. Study, the s-word, I know, but I must do it. I am therefore going into monastic solitude, studying in my room, for the remainder of this week. No more happy, cute Bean running around having fun with you till Friday eve. Capiche?

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