
Thursday, September 15, 2005

Utterly Insane

This week has been utterly insane. That's all. Ups and downs, lows and highs. But just, like, whoa. I have definitely done a lot of intense studying. I have also definitely done a lot of procrastinating, like 2 nights in a row staying up listening to music and talking to Cody in the lobby all night, almost. I definitely also slept through 3 of my classes today. I definitely met a whole heap of new people and definitely started working out again. I definitely am getting my devotional life back on track. I definitely tonight fell down on the floor twice laughing at Cafe Chi Alpha. I definitely ended up bodyguarding my friend Emily on a shopping trip and ending up at an apartment with 4 insanely hyper girls giving me banana ice cream and watching internet videos. I also definitely. Definitely.

Three emerging quotes, from today:

1. Me: Dude, I thought you didn't see me.
Roomate: You were like three feet away!

2. Me: My computer is like a woman because every time I try to get it do to something...
Cody: ...it shuts down.
Me: Exactly.

3. James "Danger" Dill: I think the "buttload" is something like the mole or Avogadro's number.

4. Accounting professor: It's like when you have bread and you're going to have a party. You only have 7 slices so you buy another loaf.

So, what planet is this again?

44f ;