
Thursday, September 08, 2005


$9.72 at Wal-Mart and worth more. Maybe not their best, but quickly my new favorite. It seems almost like a different band from the one that gave us The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek and Two Lefts Don't Make a Right ...But Three Do. It's the most serious album yet. Powerfully enough, the theme of the album is repentance. "I So Hate Consequences" takes the cake as the album hit. In my opinion, the album is a huge change in sound from any of their first 3 albums. The new formula becomes almost instantly recognizable. An album of starts and stops. Extra-crunchy guitars to violin/piano sections and back mid-song. There is an expected piano bit in over half the songs that makes everything almost predictable. However, K has managed to squeeze every available drop of emotion into their music this go-round. The rock moments are more thrashing than before, and the soft moments are more poignant. As my friend's home-made tee-shirt attests and as does this album, "RELIENT K ROCKS".

44f ;