
Sunday, December 05, 2004

An Evening at St. Alban's

Everything was ready. The night was young. Quite.

I had used Google's search results for "how to tie a tie" to help me find that one wrong step as I stood in front of the mirror. I pulled my coat on and ran out the door, strolling briskly toward St. Alban's Episcopal Church...I dunno, "activity hall," "fellowship hall," whatever. I would later realize I had forgotten my wrapped $5 Christmas present for a needy child (remind me I still need to give that to Zach). I walked in to this antiquated, grandiose ballroom where I helped clean and decorate some tables.

The guests began to arrive, by ones, twos, and even fives. I was given the charge of greeting/collecting money and presents. Ah. The thrill of"formal occasions." That being, everyone just looking in general, lovely. I'll admit for my entire gender, there's something about that suit and tie that makes a guy walk straight and tall, something that puts a pep in his step. And, !ay-ay-ay! There's something breathtaking about ladies, in general...but even more so when they are glittering in formal attire. Many beautiful ladies there tonight, a few whom I danced with (or so attempted to).

The room was looking great, the fine folks were looking...well, fine...everyone was socializing. Then pops up Mr. Zach Mitchell, my dear friend, to warm up the crowd. Zach. What a man of God. He worked so hard to organize tonight's festivities...for weeks. I love that brother in Christ.

Everyone began to be seated and so I sat toward the back, where I intended to remain. But I wandered to the kitchen and someone said they needed help serving. So Casey and I filled up glasses of punch--12 to a tray--and I walked out with Lionel. Wow--I never realized how nerve-racking carrying food trays was! Several rounds of that and I was enjoying the whole waiter role. Then I got to carry trays of salad, then the main course out. More and more. More and more trays. More and more requests for more beverage. More and more this and that...before I knew it nigh a half-hour had passed. And we were out of food. So several of us guys who'd been waiting tables just looked at each other and smiled, as if to say, "Oh, well, no sweat."

Pastor Nick spoke...Zach and B.A. Holloway (the dude, not the band) did a comedy routine of sorts: The Year in Review. They were the "reporters," with a full stinking awesome multimedia display on an overhead accompanying them. A few "words of wisdom" from my this blog even made it in!

Derrick Brumley and Lisa King led us in some beautiful Christmas singing, followed by Kristen's beautiful solo.

Possibly the highlight of the night was Timothee Bateman's violin solos. His "O Come, All Ye Faithful" nearly sent chills up my spine and literally forced me to close my eyes involuntarily twice. I think that above all instruments, there is the most depth of soudn to stringed instruments...but specifically the violin. Good grief, it was downright...upright, rather...amazing.

Before long we were clearing the area for the dance floor. The music went back and forth between upbeat and soft. I took turns waltzing and cha-cha-ing with several lovely ladies. Good for getting over that shy guy mentality. Something enchanting about asking a lady to dance...and her saying, "Yes!" of course! I found it mildly amusing that one (I refuse to offer names here as not to incriminate myself ;;--)) argued she couldn't waltz. "I can't either! That's what makes it fun. We'll make it up as we go along." And with the waltz that's partially what I did!

Now the cha-cha is a different story, folks. That's my game, there, since I really learned Thursday night. With some more practice, I daresay I could "tear up" some cha-cha. Oh yeah. I mean it. 3...4...5,6,7, and 1,2 cha cha cha, 1,2, cha cha cha, 1,2 cha cha cha, TURN 2 cha cha cha, TURN 2 cha cha cha, SPIN! 2 cha cha cha, 1, 2, cha cha cha, 1, 2 cha cha cha, into "the chase"...cha cha cha.... Strange that I can dance a faster dance better than a slower one...I respond to a beat though, yeah. I live life in the fast lane, baby. Okay, enough of that.

As we were cleaning up later, Latitia and I posed for camera shots of us air guitar rockin' with mops and brooms. But then I turned Jedi knight on her and we had a light sabre battle until I put a move on her with the broom and then went karate and tried to kick the mop out of her hand...but also succeeded in weirdly kicking the loop thing off her cellphone. I felt horrible about that one.

By midnight we'd finished cleaning. Zach looked as exhausted as I felt. Josh Harvey had to leave with Rachel and so Zach, J.Barreca and I went to Raising Cane's. Zach paid for it!

Zach dropped me off at Common Grounds, so I could pick up my bike, which I rode back in suit and tie to my dorm. Ran into Matt from work and his frat buddies and chatted with him. Then hung out with J.P. and Co. in ELH at the front desk. Of course, two lovebirds happened to be strolling through the lobby...at the time...

...*ahem*. Announcment now about these two lovebirds.:

I didn't mention THE highlight of the night.

My dear friend Mr. Patrick Holly proposed to Ms. Mica Spence this evening (I didn't see the proposal though). I didn't know anything had happened until the two strolled up to me and stood picturesquely before me. Smiling. Now Patrick laughs a lot...but he had this huge grin on his face tonight. I was like, "okay..." "nice tie, man!" I kind of scratched my head when he belted, "what the heck do you mean, 'tie'?!" Mica held up her finger and there it twinkled. The ring. I stepped back and took another look. Yes, that was what was magical about the two.

I think that there is nothing in the realm of human glory more splendid than the energy and life emanating from two lovers who have made their love permanent and public. I mean, Pat and Mica always have looked good together...but this was a site to behold. I supposed I shall liken it to pregnant women with unnaturally healthy-looking hair. There was something infectious about their smiles, something glowing from their souls. Something very real and complete. Something that makes you think, "there go the two happiest souls in the world." Something that makes you think, "gosh, I wonder when it's my turn. Hopefully not too long."

Congratulations Patrick and Mica Holly! You have left a high standard to follow for Christian couples on campus. The peace and favor of God be with you! Remind me (somebody) to post a picture of the two on this site soon.

(Everyone: you are now clear to, if you haven't already, say, "aaaaawwwww!")

44f ;