
Sunday, August 28, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

You may know that there is a Category 5 hurricane on the Gulf Coast. That hurricane, named Katrina, will be making landfall a half-hour from my hometown in southeast Louisiana early tomorrow morning. It is the 4th biggest hurricane ever recorded, if I understand correctly. I am in Baton Rouge, though, a fairly safe distance away. My family has evacuated to Tennessee.

While my parents were evacuating last night, my roomate and I made fliers and passed them out to all of East Laville's residents, advertising the Bible study that was (is?) supposed to start Monday night. That's in the air now of course because of this massive storm. Class has been canceled though. Yeehaa! Hey I'm not belittling the threat of this storm, but we might as well rejoice about whatever we get that's good. And that would be class being canceled.

Also last night me and the boyz played Risk, a game which lasted 6 hours. Good stuff. I went to church at Hosanna today with everyone else because Chi Alpha was doing the church service for them. Nick told me that I was sharing a testimony about South Africa. I was like, "yeah I can do it." I was nervous but enjoyed sharing. I made it under the 5 minute mark, only because Tollie told me I had to. Then my roomate and I decided to wash clothes this afternoon. Of course it's a madhouse at the laundromat downstairs as everyone wants to clean their clothes before we lose electricity from the storm.

Tonight the boyz are having a hurricane party. And we're doing more of this:

44f ;