
Monday, August 22, 2005

Last Day of Freedom

Classes start tomorrow. What classes am I taking again? Oh yeah, I need to get books, too.

Great church service put on by LSU XA at Bethel Temple. Jonathan Buras' testimony was soul-stirring. Ran around Baton Rouge and found a Piccadilly I could use my mom-given gift card at, as LSU decided not to activate my meal plan. Went to Michelle's surprise birthday party. Ate and played taboo. Then Zeke, Timothee, Tollie & I celebrated our last night on earth I MEAN ...last night of no class, playing some Perfect Dark and watching the Matrix. I donated my bike to Zeke. Before he rode away, he uttered a quote that has become another favorite of mine. He looked at me and said, "Dude, you're doing an impression of yourself!"

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