
Friday, September 30, 2005

How the Efforts at Monasticism Turned Out

Stay in my room to study for any prolonged period of time? That turned out to be a funny notion. No, strike that. It turned out to be a ridiculously head-over-heels downright insanely hilariously hysterical notion.

I'd rather be talking to you than studying! That's it, plain and simple. In my defense, I have put in at least 15 hours of studying this week. Of course, 6 of those were last night...all night. After Chi Alpha, I realized I had a big test and quiz the next day. This has been an insane week. 4 tests and a quiz, except one test got moved to Monday. So Tollie and I went to Louie's cafe and ate pancakes, drank coffee and studied from midnight till almost sunrise. First time I think I've tipped the waitress at 95%. Then again she earned it pouring coffee, which I drank a liter of, Tollie I'm sure more than I. But I got some serious studying done believe it or not, which I think enabled me to put a good dent in my test. I studied the chemistry hard, too. But chemistry is overtly satanic anyway, so I still didn't do too well on that.

Cool moment: Zeke was waiting in the car, sent me up to bring his booksack from my dorm out to his car. As soon as I got to my room, I apparently totally forgot about Zeke waiting on me, grabbed a book and studied for 20 minutes. My roomate walks in and asks whose booksack that is. Crap. I then, laughing hilariously, ran downstairs and gave my bewildered friend his bag. I told him what happened and sprawled out on the lawn of East Laville laughing. And I don't even drink. Life is good when you learn to laugh at its absurdities, especially in yourself. I mean, hey this is absurd, and it's me:

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