
Friday, August 11, 2006

Blog Recommendation

I have a lot I want to blog about. I don't have the time right now. I have been and will be spending time with the family and friends I love so much, recently and then 1 a.m. or some later dark hour of night rolls around and I've no energy left for a silly blog post. But remind you I have stuff stirring in my spirit...the Book of Hosea ...some thoughts about September 11, 2001 ...the Hebrew word in the old testament used to describe both the vehemence and tenderness of love...

For now, I must recommed a a post on Stephen Christian's blog. Stephen Christian is the vocalist for the band Anberlin, which I love, as most of you know. But I'm not recommending this post by virtue of its author being a rock n' roll star. After all, the most amazing things are usually uttered by the nameless, faceless ones. But isn't that what rock n' roll is all about, kicking against the status quo and saying exactly what your heart intends to say, whether that be blackest night or brightest dawn?

Anyhow, it's The Modesty Writers Guild, and it's entitled "Questioning the Western World's Rite of Passage to Manhood," and it's about, well, what it sounds like it's about: what it means to "be a real man."

44f ;