
Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Contra Affair...

I made it through my test on income taxes and leases last night. Every intermediate accounting test I've taken has gone something like this: we are allotted two hours and it takes me 2 hours and 15 minutes. That's when they kick everyone out. Last night was no exception. Next semester's internal audit class will probably be the hardest course I ever take. There are 8-hour tests sometimes, the syllabus says! Check out the syllabus here. The LSU Center for Internal Auditing is the top interal audit program in the country. And apparently the level of difficulty reflects that. The drop rate is 50%. The syllabus says something like, "If this is the not best course you ever taken, we have failed!" I hope to get a good internship, though...and see how much I enjoy auditing...or don't. It might be the hardest course at the business college. But you'll never know until you have a go.

Last night after the test...partay! Actually, I went back to the room and pseudo-slept for about 20 minutes. James was in the room, too, sleeping, with the light off at 7 p.m. When he woke up we lay around lazily until Jake called. Then we went over to his apartment, drank coffee and played Halo, and watched Gladiator, my favorite movie of all time.

Furthermore, we played SUPER CONTRA. This game has been all the rave for Jake and I this semester. Last night I beat it with him for the first time, to the sound of applause. It's one of those old NES games that draws a crowd, making everyone cheer you on. I can't remember a time playing it with him that there haven't been 10 people screaming and groaning because we're dying or cheering us on. Whole lotta fun.

I slept somewhere between 9 and 11 hours last night. Going to the LSU vs. Ole Miss football game in a couple hours. Last home game of the season. This semester's wrapping up soon! I still need to study for that Cost Accounting test Tuesday...then the Thanksgiving holidays are in sight. I'm taking my roomie Jeff home to the folks for Thanksgiving dinner this year.

44f ;