
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Louisiana Students for Life 3rd Annual Pro-Life Conference at Louisiana State University, October 27th-28th

Saturday morning in Howe-Russell hall never felt so good. Ancient archaeological finds and artsy dinosaur bones faded into the background as the lobby was transformed into a multi-table exhibit for the pro-life movement. Students munched on hot, fresh Mary Lee donuts and sipped orange juice and CC's Coffee as they waited for my wife to kick off the conference.

Everyone was ushered into the auditorium. After a warm welcome from Amanda, the first speaker was up. Dr. Michael New of the University of Alabama talked about pro-life legislation (i.e., informed consent, parental consent, waiting period laws) and its statistical effects on the abortion rate and ratio. Next was Dr. John Baker of the LSU Law School to speak on the legal history of abortion. I missed part of his talk to go outside and welcome Cynthia Collins, my long-time friend and spiritual mentor. I introduced her and she seized the day speaking of her own and other women's personal experiences with abortion and the road to recovery. Father Joseph Cazanavette spoke next on the dignity of human life, which I went to pick up a speaker from his hotel.

This speaker was none other than Mr. Steve Wagner of Stand to Reason in Los Angeles, California. I was able to spend a lot of time driving this gentleman around Baton Rouge over a couple days. What an inspirational man and apologeticist for bio-ethics! He spoke after Father Joseph on changing hearts and minds on abortion. After an organization called Crossroads presented, the students attended workshops: Ben Clapper on running an effective pro-life club contact table on campus and his fiancee, Kristen Clark, on effective sidewalk counseling at abortion clinics. Steve Wagner spoke a second time, this time on stem cell research. Of note is the point that there are 1.1 million infertile parents who want to adopt and there are 400,000 "children" (embryos) in frozen storage. Ben Wetmore of Students for Life of America ended the night with talk on how to fundraise for a club.

The next morning was special. Louisiana State Representative Gary Beard and former candidate for Lt. Governor (also, Louisiana Family Forum "Outstanding Family Advocate") gave a talk on leadership in the pro-life movement. With great sobriety, he alluded to Gideon's 300 men and the need for great numbers but individuals dedicated to Truth. Ben Wetmore wrapped up his talk from the previous night and I concluded with a talk on effective campus outreach.

LSU students, there will be a meeting this Thursday, 8 pm in the Caddo Room, 3rd Floor, LSU Student Union. As I told the group this weekend, if you are pro-life, you are not part of a movement. You're not an activist, this is who you are. Be there this Thursday and take a stand; get educated.

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