
Friday, August 20, 2004

Brave Somewhat-Less-New World

Yesterday I woke up early to go eat breakfast with my orientation group. $2.15 for small portions of eggs grits and bacon and a cup of water. Not bad at all.

Then a 2-hour orientation session that had its moments but for the most part was a sleeper type thing...although I've made it my own personal policy to not fall asleep during lectures as it's disrepsectful to the person giving the speech. After all...if I were giving a speech I'd worked hard on...it would be uncool for me to see people in the audience nodding off.

Made myself some lunch, had some Bible time, did some internet, then...went and stood in line for over an hour getting a post office box. Then off to buy books...which took a while. Actually I'm glad I grabbed somebody to get help. It was my orientation group leader. He helped me sort all the books out...one class has about 13 books if you can believe that. Some are small but still. The bill for books was $410. Yes, that's for one semester. Uh-huh. It could've been much worse.

Then to a free BBQ on the parade grounds put on by Chi Alpha, a Christian fellowship. Met some Christians there and we talked...was refreshing.

Then a block party from 8-11. Free pizza and coke. I hooked up with 4 other kids I knew from high school and we hung out for a couple hours. Then I went back to my room and was met by the weird scene of Thomas (my roomate) sleeping while Black Hawk Down played on his computer. He woke up while I was sitting down to watch it.

Today thousands of LSU freshman headed to the Pete Maravich Assembly Center to hear Eric Schlosser, the author of Fast Food Nation, speak. Fast Food Nation was a book we were all required to read this summer. After that I broke up into a 20-person group with a professor to discuss the book. I was really nervous at first and let everyone else do the talking but started chiming in more and more towards the end.

That's where I'm at now. I need to go grab a bite to eat.

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