
Friday, October 29, 2004


While studying (slash goofing around, talking with people, i.e. nice girls) till 6 a.m. this morning (I did get 2 hours of sleep though) for my killler Western Civ test (which I might have pulled a low "A" off) ....

...anyway while studying a girl informed that Bono of U2 is going to be in the ballroom tonight at whatever the African-American organization on campus is called talking about Africa and the AIDS crisis and stuff....BONO!! Wow. Dress is semi-formal, and I can't see a reason why not to dress up suit and tie and cough up $5 to see the greatest Irish rock star of all time!

Anyhow...then the XA Human Scavenger Hunt at 9 pm...should be a blast. But in any case, I'm seriously hurting for sleep here, folks...

44f ;