
Monday, November 22, 2004


This is what I love about Pixar animation. Pixar is constantly outdoing itself.

The Incredibles is a great movie I would recommend to just about anyone who:

  • Loves animation
  • Loves special effects
  • Wants a laugh
  • Enjoys exciting movies

Plus, it's a fairly family-friendly movie. I don't think there was any profanity (maybe one muttered, not sure). The only thing a parent might find objectionable is a bit of stylized cartoon violence...but death is never shown directly. Most of it comes across as slapstick violence. There are many intense action sequences which may startle very small children.

But even for you adults, this should be a great watch. There is plenty of Shrek-esque adult humor, minus the sexual/potty humor implications. The film is a visual feast for the eyes, with lots of vivid colors, images, human characters and fast-paced explosive action sequences. The unexpected underlying depth to the film was a pleasant surprise, with such themes as family unison, marital fidelity, individuality, and prioritization.

I won't say much about the plot as it would give some surprise twists away, but I'll say it's about one incredible family of superhumans.

Now guys, the question is, how do you plan to find your Elasti-girl?

44f ;