
Tuesday, December 28, 2004

So much for the logic

...of my last post. Ocean's 12 it was. I hadn't seen #11, so it was a hit confusing. Plot lacking. Decent character development. Mildly amusing. Wait to rent it. Only plus for me was so many star-studded characters on one screen having so much fun and the cinematography combined with rich European sites was a feast for the eyes, at times. 5/10

Anyhow, tomorrow at 7 a.m. I'm leaving to drive over to Patrick's house. From there I will ride in his car from Mandeville, Louisiana up to Little Rock, Arkansas for The Uprising. I'll be there Wednesday through Saturday. A good way to close off a year and begin a new one: gathering together to seek God. It should be amazing. The "conference," if you will, is in the Peabody Hotel. However, I'd rather just call it a time of allowing the Holy Spirit to move. Oh sure, we always have our itineraries. But the Holy Spirit has a marvelous way of suddenly bringing, for example, a wave of repentance over a congregation of His people and doing something wonderfully unexpected. Be sure I'll do a lengthy blog post about this experience when I return.

Have a happy new year, folks.

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