
Thursday, December 16, 2004

My Buick

it's got leather seats...it's got a CD PLAAAYER.

Lyrics from some song I heard...but ironically, my 1989 Buick LeSabre has neither of those features. But what matters is...it's mine! And I'm taking it with me to LSU this January! It sat around in collision shops getting a new radiator, paint job, etc. this semester...now it's ready to go! I'm so blessed/excited!

It really is a dandy little car though. I love it! I think I have a nickname picked out for it...time will tell...

Today I got insurance.
Tonight I've got the butterflies in my stomach over taking the driving test tomorrow. I must confess...I haven't parallel parked since Driver's Ed. :-S I'm going to brush up on that in the street some tomorrow before I go take the test.

The thrill of soon being on the open road...Lord Jesus help me not do anything stupid during the test tomorrow...

44f ;