
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

On Crashing and Burning

The usual connotation of the phrase "crash and burn" is negative. I'd like to tamper with that.
I just got done crashing.
Now I'm going to burn. And I'm looking forward to the burn facet.

Patrick and I were talking for about 2 hours, collapsed in his room, discussing the Christian life. There was no format. We just met to discuss what's going on. What's going on is we're getting weary of seeing our visions die. We mused on why we each had witnessed to people on a long-term basis and seen no lasting change in their lives. Why is the church in the shape it's in? In some ways it was an open-wound "cry session." Just as Apocalypse Now and Platoon were not as much movies as cry sessions to try and sort out the painful aftermath of Vietnam, we took inventory of what God has entrusted to us and if we're seeing that fully put to use.....and what's going on with our fellow warriors. I don't think we got any concrete answers. But something much more sublime than an answer emerged. In the crashing of our emotion and disappointment over the church and what we see around us, there was a camaraderie that took over. There was a uniting of kindred spirits and a metaphysical relating of each other's relationship with Christ to each other.

For this I thank God for my friend, Pat. I love him as he were an older brother. I think that one of the most esoteric things about the body of Christ is simply making an unseen spiritual connection with another person who has been, by the Blood, genetically placed into this new race of people: soldiers of Christ our King.

Coming out of that discussion, I'm ready to burn for God. Now that we're mad as heck at this crap, I'm ready to war. I've got a new reason to persevere.

Saints, I implore you to consider this: Who else can we go to? Who else has the words of eternal life? There is nothing else to do but labor for the King. Let's do this. The return of the King is near. Let's abandon our small ambitions and save the world. Let's ask God to destroy these last vestiges of selfishness.

44f ;