
Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Rather Gross

Okay, I thought last semester was bad, but this semester, THIS dorm has definitely got a serious ant problem. I just picked up a used bowl in the sink and at least 100 ants were crawling around underneath it. When their source of food particles had been removed they scurried back into the wall cracks. Plus, it's getting really weird sitting here at my desk flicking an ant crawling on my body off every 5 minutes.

Because I always love to close a post with optimism, let me say that the new Coldplay Clocks rintone on my phone is quite posh. You probably know I'm a Coldplay freak. Well if you didn't now you do.

Oh and I'm glad they removed the several squished dead roaches from the changing area adjacent to each shower. After a couple weeks, their insides were almost becoming a part of the floor itself. I know. This is the stuff you don't write home about. That's what blogs are for.

44f ;