
Sunday, March 12, 2006


3 quotes that have got me thinking over the weekend:

1. From the song "Fell in Love with the Game" by Blindside
Topic: Wrestling with God (see also Genesis 32)

And we both stand tall on the table

You take me by the hand and I grab you by the throat
And we come crashing down through the window
On the dirt ground below
And we wrestle in the mud and the blood and the beer
Break my jaw I don't care
Just stay with me, stay
Lock my arms I don't want to move
Hold me still teach me how to weep
If it's ok with you I think I'll stay here
For a little while

2. G.K. Chesterton (I think, from Orthodoxy)
Topic: I'm not sure, but it's got me thinking...

People did not love Rome because it was beautiful, Rome was beautiful because people loved her.

3. Eli Gautreaux at Chi Alpha retreat (not sure if this was him quoting someone else or original)
Topic: Understanding God

Stop trying to get your heaven into your mind. That will cause your mind to explode. Get your mind into heaven.

44f ;