
Thursday, June 08, 2006

3 days off and look what happens.

Tomorrow will be my third day off work in a row. See what happens? When I'm not working I'm bored and revert back to overuse of blog entries... Anyway back to work Friday for another weekend of dough raking.

Today I went to the chiropractor and got a massage / X-rays / counseling. The injuries I got as a kid only apparently aggravated the fact that I have something most people have nowadays. "Forward neck syndrome" or some common sense term like that. Basically in this computer age, everyone is always straining their neck all day looking at a computer screen. That's agitated by my constant (or supposedly constant) studying in college. Plus my neck is too straight. The neck vertebrae should have a slight curvature that is healthy, and mine is totally straight, creating bad posture where I'm kind of slumped forward (another feature common to tall skinny folks such as myself). Anyway, I go back again Friday for treatment. That massage with the Biofreeze stuff was heav-en-ly!

I went and picked up Matt from work to see how he's doing at his job. It's his first job ever; he works at Western Auto cashiering, doing inventory, etc. He's starting to enjoy it more now. We had some good bro-to-bro fun today at Wendy's and then at the mall. I was joyfully mystified...it seems like although both he and I get older, when we hang out together to have fun, it's the same kind of mindset and emotions as when I was 7 and he was 4 and we would build tents in the bedroom...or he was 7 and I was 10 and we would run around in the backyard having pretend wars with our pop-shotguns. I guess it goes to show that no matter how your dealings with other people mature you age, your childlike relations with your siblings can stay the same. No matter how mature I may act or seem to act from another's perspective, when my brother and I hang out with each other, I feel that little boy in me again, with wildlike eagerness, ready to overturn some new adventure.

We also went out to eat this evening at Schaeffer's, a seafood restaurant. I feel like I'm living life away in restaurants now that I work at one and eat out frequently (since I'm at home for the summer eating out on parents' money, not my own). Delicious. Then we watched Hoodwinked as a family. This is one of the most hilarious animated films I have EVER seen. It's a parody of the "Little Red Riding Hood" story. I'll leave it at that. It's totally clean and family friendly and just purely ingenious...so whoever you are, just go rent it. In other news, I bought Anberlin's debut CD today, which makes me happy. If you know me, you know that I'm daffy in love with that band. Almost more so than with my first ever band crush Delirious a few years back. Also, man I don't know why but I love DDR...danced it up at the mall today. I think I'm getting better, which of course isn't saying much.

44f ;