
Tuesday, January 25, 2005


On Saturday, January 22, the 32nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the decision in America that made abortion fully legal, LSU Students for Life, a pro-life group, set up a peaceful protest on the parade grounds of LSU. Fully legal and legitimate, the protest was students simply planting approximately 4,000 crosses to symbolize aborted fetuses. Over the weekend, 3,000 (75%) of those crosses were either stolen or damaged, with others knocked down and rearranged to spell out "pro-choice." The crosses were private property, belonging to the St. Mary and St. Joseph Family Memorial Foundation, on loan to Students for Life. This is the most severe vandalism any LSU abortion protest has received, yet the police did not make any arrests when several vandals were caught red-handed. The fact is that the lines are drawn for quite a ruckus to be stirred if the university does not properly handle this vandalism and treat it with the same respect any other.

CLICK HERE to read the full story, which made the front page of LSU's nationally-accredited college newspaper, The Daily Reveille. As soon as I have proper contact information I will be voicing my opinion about this situation. If you would be interested in e-mailing the proper LSU contacts about our stand concerning proper action being taken to set this aright, please respond in the comments section of this post, and I will e-mail you when I have those contacts.

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