
Friday, October 07, 2005


I love friends. I love recognizing other people and having them recognize me. Loving them and having them love me. I'm glad God made the human race one dependent upon social connections. Jesus is wonderful.

After a monotonous day of class and work (which ate into what would have been Fall Break, but for a make-up day due to Hurricane Rita), my friend Cody taught me to play golf. We went to the beautiful LSU golf course. Of course, I'd never even held a golf club before, so we just went to the driving range. He spent about an hour and a half helping learn the basic swing and everything. It meant a lot to me to invest that time to not just develop a skill, but a friendship.

Later in the evening I accepted the invitation of the ladies of the U.Commons to drop by the apartment with a Nintendo. We had a great night. Lacey gave us spaghetti, Erin baked cookies. We played Mario Bros. and talked and laughed. It's nice to talk to other people who care for the things of God. We watched The Sixth Sense, which I somehow had never seen. Quite an unnerving film which adequately crawls underneath your skin. Now that I think about it, I'm even more scared now that the film's over. Is that my roomate over there or a dead dude? (Just kidding, if he reads this.) I didn't leave till like 3 a.m. Annie brought her Franz Ferdinand, which we rocked out to, complete with much foot-stomping.

In short, this oh-so-sappy post results from me feeling loved. Loved by God first and foremost...but friends, too. It's funny that a week ago I was blogging about how friends are the fatal wound. Scratch that. It was the satanic study of Chemistry that made me say that, when I was trying to study. Having ample time on Fall Break makes everything all better. Plus, I haven't done a normal jounral post like this in a while.

Oh yeah and I get to see my family tomorrow...I'm driving back to St. Tammany.

44f ;