
Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Day in the Life of Bean

Yeah, so I figured out how to do this. Sunday afternoon through Friday afternoon, it's all strictly business. And that's literal because I am a Business major. I mean, near constant studying during the week, so that I can have guilt-free recreation Friday night and Saturday. I tried studying Chemistry last night (Friday). Yeah, that doesn't work when you're thinking about all the fun your friends are having (or hopefully are not having, because you are absent). So today (Saturday), I didn't pick up a textbook.

I woke up at noon.
Then I went with 30 other Chi Alpha guys to go eat chicken wings at Plucker's.
Then Scott, Jeff and I went to the men's basketball game to see LSU beat Alabama.
Then Scott showed me the art of playing Perfect Dark Zero for X-box 360 (a brilliant game for a brilliant system...with posh cordless controllers).
Then me and several friends ate at the Union for dinner.
Then I went and studied the Bible and prayed for a half-hour.
Then I called like 15 people and invited them over to Scott's place for a party (I'm getting good at inviting people over to someone else's abode).
Then we all played Catch-Phrase, Perfect Dark 360, and ate Cody's spaghetti.
Then I talked to my good friend John Collins, who is in D.C. for a pro-life convention.
And it was the end of my day that brought me greatest fulfillment. A phone conversation.

Yes, all these things were wonderful. But the end of the day allowed me to talk to the one who was on my mind all day.

There is no one in the world like, there is no earthly-born force on earth comparable to, no living, breathing, pulsating, material reason for living greater than ...my Amanda Marie. I'm going to publicly in webspace say it: I love you.

44f ;