
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Value of Virginity / The Sanctity of Human Life

I picked up a copy of the Daily Reveille off the ground today. It is Louisiana State University's daily college newspaper. I often times find little value in the articles it contains, but today I read two articles that were really thought-provocative.

1. The first one is a column by Kellie Johnson: "People Watching." Its apparent weekly purpose is to examine "relationship issues." Without necessarily intending to, she makes a case for the value of pre-marital sexual virginity. A good read. Check it out.

2. The second column was written by my good friend Emily Byers: "Witnessing Hope." Its apparent weekly purpose is to encourage high ethical and moral standards on various modern issues. Emily explains how, among other things, you might potentially have a best friend or significant other, if he or she had not been murdered in what she calls "America's Holocaust," 33 years of legalized American abortion. Prepare to be stunned.

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