
Monday, March 12, 2007


The Chi Alpha guys had a great time camping in Percy Quin State Park near McComb, Mississippi this weekend! It had been about 2 and a 1/2 years since I'd been camping. Sleeping out under the stars Saturday night was brilliant. Also, God's presence was so strong. The times we men had seeking God around that campfire...they shall never be forgotten.

Also, as you may have heard it already rumored, I had a little accident this weekend. JC, Josh, and I took turns climbing up the side of a dam. I made it up the highest, but I also paid the most sliding down. When I hit the pool of water below, my right hand caught a jagged pipe and sliced my palm open through several layers of subcutaneous fat in my hand, about 3 inches long. I had to go get 14 stitches put in my hand, which followed the tetanus shot in my arm and 10 mini-shots in my hand to numb the pain. As of this morning, I was still cleaning out dried blood from underneath my fingernails. Much thanks to Josh Harvey for donating his Brute Squad shirt to stop the bleeding!

44f ;