
Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Beautiful Day.

Up at 7:40 am after a night of restless sleep, out at 8:25 am on Dad’s bike that he loaned me for use at college. Having this bike is awesome. I can get places so much faster and so much easier. It’s gotten to the point where I won’t walk the 1.5-2 blocks to the student union…bike every time. It’s really sweet.

This business calculus class of 500 doesn’t seem to be cutting the mustard, so to speak. In my opinion, math is taught much better in a smaller setting where you can ask questions than sitting in an auditorium looking at a big screen of all things.

I actually started to feel useful at work today, as Ms. Jacki was back, and Shelley, a senior psych major I’ll be working under the watchful eye of. The extra money is nice, as is the experience…and meeting new people.

As soon as work was over, I got back to the dorm to change to go workout…but couldn’t get in as they were having a fire drill. After that I changed and Pat and I headed to the Rec (Recreational) Center. I’d never been inside before. It’s awesome…they’ve got everything…a zillion weight machines, basketball, racquetball, squash, ping pong, treadmills, stair steppers, an indoor track…etc. etc.

Thank God for Pat. I never would’ve wandered to the bench press bench without someone else. I never lifted weights (except for machines) when I was younger because I never had anyone to go with. Well today was my chance. At one point, I was asked, “you hurt?” My response was, “no, just my pride’s hurt.” :-p

I tried a little bit of everything…dumbbells, bench press, bench press with incline/decline, curls, this that and the other thing…even something called the “preacher” bench, I kid you not. At least I can move my arms now. When I was done at first, my arms were so tight I couldn’t move them. I know. Sad. But I’ve gotta start somewhere. So I’ll revisit my actual performance weight-lifting wise…uh, later.

Ach. Internet’s down again. Tasty meal of microwave-warmed soup and chili…got this weird craving to watch a couple scenes from the movie Gladiator. Yes, I am one of those persons whose fate is being entranced by that movie. Sorry.

Off to Chi Alpha lifegroup study #1 over in East Laville…the “east side” I call it.

As Russell Crowe says in Gladiator, “Brothers—what we do in life—echoes in eternity.”

Keep looking up. Psalm 121

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