
Wednesday, August 25, 2004

A Banana in one hand and a Dr. Pepper in the other...

...as I type this. Well, okay, I had to put them down to type this. But I'm proving that you can eat healthy and eat tasty, even as a college student.

Ok, let's see, the latest happenings.

One happening is Homer's The Iliad. The subject matter is interesting but the style is boring. Then again Prof. McMahon's lecture on it today was unbelievable...

...that guy is a fireball. It helps to have someone passionate about what they're teaching.

Here's another happening. There are a whole bunch of ants crawling all over my desk...I had several on my leg last night.

And here's a happening. Background: my roomate's TV is in between our computers...and from somewhere in the midst of this trio of machines keeps emanating a weird beeping sound with a rhythm to it. I never realized that it could be my cellphone...which I leave to recharge near the computers...

...and then today I heard this same noise while I was near another computer on campus. This dude was like, "it's probably your cellphone." I was like, "My cellphone?!" He explained that with Cingular service, for some uncanny reason...when the phone gets near a computer...it makes the computer give off weird beeping noises. Strange.

Oh...and I started my job in the Information Systems and Decision Sciences (ISDS) Dept. today. I'm working 2 hours per day Monday thru Friday. Just sorting mail, making copies, answering the phone, running errands, and other office stuff.

Ok, the school paper is calling...and so is my homework.

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