
Monday, August 23, 2004


Man...after living at college for over half a week and not having to anything but get adjusted and have fun...we actually now have to do what we're here for...oh yeah, class.

I'll be getting my exercise this semester, as someone I talked to mentioned. I have to cross campus a lot. Cool.

Made it to Economics 2000 at 8:30, where all of us "freshmeat" walked silently into our first class, where our professor, an Indian-looking gentleman by the name of something like "Subaran" (his name escapes me at the moment) handed out our syllabus. He softly talked about the class and had us introduce ourselves and in 20 minutes he sent us on our way. So I walked back across campus...to the Middleton Library. Chilled out in the Library's air conditioning and browsed The Reveille, our school newspaper...which has gotten national rave reviews as a college paper.

Then off to a huge auditorium for my biggest class. Unbelievable. 500 students in a huge auditorium to be taught Math 1431/Business Calculus. Big screen and everything...should be an interesting class.

They kept us a little late in Calc so I had to power-walk several minutes away to my second-floor Western Civ. Lecture. Lecture in this 6-hour course is M/W/F and seminar is T/TH. This was the only class we actually started into the course material in. I found the Myth of the Minotaur particularly cool.

I then trekked another good walk over to Highland Cafeteria. Talk about the day's highlight! It's all-you-can-eat and several different foodstations with different cuisines. I piled a plate up, went back for a salad, and then had an ice cream cone. We're talking good food too. Forget your high school rubbish. This is good stuff. I can tell my strategy will be to have my big meal and lunch off my meal plan and then go back and have a ravioli/soup/ramen noodles thing going on at night.

After lunch and chatting with Mark who seems to appreciate the buffet-style cafeteria just as much as I do...off to a math lab I only have on Mondays.

Here I am...got back half-hour ago. First day of class over. Now I will spend the afternoon learning to budget my time studying, hopefully going for a run to start getting back into some semblance of fitness, eating, chilling, hanging out with Jesus, etc.

44f ;