
Thursday, March 24, 2005

And the Truck Cometh to a Screeching Halt.

While reading Dan Hames' blog for the first time in ages, I had one of those moments described by the narrator in the movie "Fight Club," where Edward Norton discovers he has been talking to an imaginary alter-ego for the entire movie and says something like, "WE HAVE JUST SUFFERED A LOST CONNECTION. LADIES AND GENTLEMENT PLEASE RETURN YOUR SEATS TO THEIR LOCKED AND UPRIGHT POSITION."

Oh my God. Okay. So I knew my good friend John Collins and his mom Cindy Collins (one of my spiritual mentors, awesome woman of God) have been in Israel, as Mrs. Cindy has been speaking at a Pro-Life convention. As I'm reading Dan's many posts about being in Israel, I get intrigued thinking, "Hmm, that's cool. John's in Israel right now, too..."

And then I see...no couldn't be. John, one of "Dan's new friends made in Israel" or something. He is pictured second from the left above.

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