
Thursday, March 24, 2005

Patrick Holly

Several other blogger friends of mine have started a little tradition of doing posts about their friends, and I join them in this new tradition, in celebration of Patrick finally uploading a picture onto his Facebook profile.

I told Patrick this when we met last semester. He is the best friend I've had. When I was a wandering freshman at LSU last semester, on my second day there, he immediately befriended me and began to mentor me in the ways of Jesus the Christ. The first thing I realized about Pat was his intensity. To the point of being overwhelming, Pat is a man for this hour, always in season, ready to shoot you straight any day. Painfully honest, he has been to me what a true friend and mentor should. He's helped me through some low points and encouraged me. More so, he has challenged me and unveiled a new intellectual side to faith, a viable level of thought that overcomes pseudo-intellectualism I've seen attempted by some Christians. Even in his stunning philosophical nature, he always returns to the simplicity of phrases like: "Honor God!" God has endowed him with a common sense approach to life; he has natural insight that makes even lunch discussions meaningful.

Patrick will be enrolled in LSU Law School this fall, after of course graduating with a degree in Political Science this May. He will be married to the love of his life, Mica Spence, this June. As President of Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship, he will be greatly missed, but his energy and passion are needed in the legal field. A Christian lawyer. And if there is one thing you should know about Pat, it is this: he WILL fight for what is right. He will chew up and spit out (if there's anything left) what is ungodly.

This post was partially inspired by the fact that he put a plug for my blog on his Facebook profile. (ha ha ha)

Sincerely, I love you man and cannot thank you enough for your friendship.

Oh yeah, and he's working on his thesis right now, which promises to be a smash-up. I can attest to this as I've talked to him about it and he's working non-stop.

(Raises glass.) Here's to your marriage and me finding MY WOMAN soon to help keep me in line. And like Timothee says, for goodness' sake, I need a girl to keep me from being goofy...and help me remember things!!

44f ;