
Friday, October 14, 2005

How to Have More Free Time

How to have more free time.

I figured this out yesterday while in Wal-Mart. Just run! Run everywhere. Or at the least, power walk. I found that running with the shopping cart got my shopping done twide as fast. Then, back on campus, I ran back to my dorm. Heck, I got back to my room...twice as fast! Not only will you have more time on your hands in the long run, but also:

-You will be forced to develop better coordination, i.e., not running over people, weaving through crowds...
-You will burn off excess calories.
-You will be tired. And the reason that's good is you'll be so tired you'll sleep well at night (which you means you exercised during the day).

In other news, Tollie Martin Coates IV and I are sharing Zeke's Blockbuster movie pass (since Zeke ran off, joined the Air Force, and is now spending his spare time scaring off hurricane victims, specifially old people, with his M-16 assault weapon...)

Yeah anyway, so we each pay $13 per month and you can have 2 tapes out under an account, letting me have one. And when I bring the movie back, I can get another one...unlimited per month. So in the past 2 days I've watched 4 movies I've never seen before. When you see the list, you'll realize how lame I am for not having seen them, but then again that's why I got the movie pass: Count of Monte Cristo, Boondock Saints, Spiderman, Spiderman 2.

Oh and one other thing. I'm writing a book. It's about vampires....OSTENSIBLY. But,...it's really about the reunification of Germany.

44f ;