
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Weekends of Winnings

Friday, night A Soup Named Stew won Battle of the Bands. I was ecstatic. They were, of course, who I was cheering for. With lyrics like "Man, I really love monkeys!" (The Monkey Song) and songs about how silly emo kids are (She Broke Up With Me), they have developed a new genre, that of "Humorcore." Amazing stuff. A laugh a second.

Then Saturday, LSU Tigers beat Auburn University, an age-old rival. A very dramatic win after a frightfully close game. In overtime, it was tied 17-17. We scored a field goal, then Auburn missed their field goal. Not only did they miss. What made it dramatic was that it actually bounced off the goal post. All 92,600 people in the stands, for 2 seconds were completely silent. Then, gleeful pandemonium ensued. I grabbed and hugged my friend Greg, twice my size, who then chucked me in the direction of Zeke, who I semi-bowled over. I got up to my feet, only to involuntarily crowdsurf and be hugged by a girl behind me. It was an insane win and a heart-stopping football game.

Then on Sunday, my friends' college bowl team went from near last place to runner-up, and Cody will be able to go a regional bowl in Houston, Texas next year. Cody stayed up late sewing my Homestar Runner costume (with it on me). Til 5:30 am, actually. I missed 2 of my classes the next day. But it's a heck of a costume, and my roomate and I will be unrecognizable at the human scavenger hunt this weekend.

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